Andrew Cameron
Areas of Expertise
Movement Planning, Street Design and Placemaking, Urban Design
Andrew is an engineer with a background in transport, architectural engineering and urban design.
He is passionate about how we can plan for low-carbon movement whilst at the same time creating great streets and enjoyable places. With over 25 years’ experience he has contributed to many masterplanning and regeneration projects for villages, towns and cities in the United Kingdom and around the world.
These include Poundbury in Dorchester, Derwenthorpe in York, Chicago Lakeside and the new town of Madinat Khalifa in Bahrain. He has acted as an advisor to the UK Government for The House of Commons Select Committees on Housing and Sustainable Communities and for the Building Better, Building Beautiful Commission.
Design guidance that he has co-authored includes Manual for Streets, Designing Streets (for The Scottish Government), The Urban Design Compendium, The Qatar Urban Design Compendium and The Abu Dhabi Urban Street Design Manual. Andrew has co-authored many design codes including those for Upton, Northampton; Sherford, South Hams and Trumpington in Cambridge. He also regularly sits on design review panels for The Design Council and Design South East, and is a visiting lecturer at Kellogg College, Oxford University.
Andrew works closely with The Prince’s Foundation to engage communities through their Enquiry by Design process and champions the design of liveable, long-lasting and beautiful places, that bring joy to all those who experience them.