Charlotte Cottingham
Areas of Expertise
Garden and domestic design, Master planning and infrastructure , Public open space and green infrastructure
Chartered Landscape Architect since 1983, RTPI Associate since 2013 and current Landscape Institute Advisory Council member, Charlotte’s extensive local authority landscape architecture practice as designer, policy adviser and project manager is based on wide ranging, sustainable design experience.
Exceptional levels of community engagement include multi-ethnic Gateshead park accessibility, ‘doorstep greens’ and park friends groups, Neighbourhood Plans and Garden Village development.
An environmental science background and public space design, green infrastructure development, grounds maintenance and arboriculture management experience underpins a landscape-led approach to masterplanning, project development and policy making, including Core Strategy and Garden Village SPD drafting and input to regional landscape assessment and SuDS guidance.
Previously Landscape Institute NE branch chair, RTPI(NE) branch committee member, Arboricultural Association branch chair and NE Design Review and Enabling Service Panel Member, as an approachable professional, good listener and presenter, Charlotte’s informed landscape advocacy includes planning application and policy advice and BEE design review in London, Oxford, Milton Keynes, Reading and Scotland contributing to productive exchanges of ideas.
Charlotte has worked in Scotland and the North East and her current role as district council Development Projects Team Leader is focused on the delivery of high quality, sustainable place making in in Oxfordshire.