Fiona Astin
Areas of Expertise
Affordable housing, Community-led housing, Extra care housing
With over 25 years’ experience in development, mainly in the housing association (HA) and local authority (LA) sectors, my work has ranged from housing project delivery to working strategically at regional director level.
I am an imaginative and pragmatic collaborator with a holistic approach and rich experience. I particularly enjoy cross-fertilising ideas and approaches between sectors. This meant I particularly enjoyed undertaking a Postgraduate Certificate in Sustainable Business with Cambridge University, enabling me to share ideas with an international cohort across a range of industries.
My strengths lie in undertaking strategic analysis of what I’m working on, then identifying opportunities for positive transformation and deliverability. I have worked on a wide variety of urban and rural housing-led projects. This includes inner-city regeneration, extra care, community-led and specialist housing. I have extensive experience of financial appraisal and scheme optimisation at project and programme level. I became an independent consultant in 2015, and have worked with a number of private sector clients, and local authorities at various stages of expanding their own housing delivery programmes. I am on the board of a small specialist HA in London which seeks to provide community-led housing for older LGBTQ+ people.