Harshada Deshpande
Areas of Expertise
Attention to design detailing, Connected places, Diversity in built environment
Harshada is an Urbanist with over 20 years’ experience of working in the built environment sector in the UK and India.
A strong advocate of sustainable urbanism, she works as a Team Leader, managing a team of design experts, in Sheffield City Council (SCC), within the Planning Service. Her expertise lies in adeptly dealing with the design elements of proposals, finding creative solutions, negotiating with developers to establish a positive, constructive dialogue enabling delivery of high-quality places.
For her, the robustness and resilience of successful places can be evidenced in the legacy they leave, in addition to what gets built. Securing stewardship is as important as high-quality design intent and execution. In addition to advising on planning applications, she provides client-side design input for SCC led initiatives such as Heart of the City 2.
She is a strong advocate of delivering inclusive design through planning and passionately believes in embedding design thinking early on to shape up future place strategies as catalysts for combating climate change and inequities.
Harshada is a Recognised Practitioner in Urban Design and an Associate member of the RTPI.