Janice Morphet
Areas of Expertise
Infrastructure, Policy and delivery, Public domain management – open space, footways, refuse management
Janice Morphet, BSc, PG Dip TP, MA, MA, MA, PhD, FRTPI FAcSS Janice Morphet is a Visiting Professor in the Bartlett School of Planning at University College London and was a member of the Planning Committee of the London 2012 Olympic Games.
She was a Senior Adviser on local government at DCLG 2000-2005, having been Chief Executive of Rutland CC, Director of Technical Services at Woking, and Professorial Head of the School of Planning and Landscape at Birmingham Polytechnic. Janice has been a trustee of the RTPI and TCPA.
Janice’s recent books are Applying leadership and management in planning: theory and practice (2015), Infrastructure delivery planning: an effective practice approach (2016), Beyond Brexit (2017) and Changing Contexts in Spatial Planning (2018). Her research with Dr Ben Clifford includes 3 projects on Local Authority Direct Provision of Housing (2017/2019/2021).
They have also written Reviving local authority housing delivery: challenging austerity through municipal entrepreneurialism published in November 2020 by Policy Press. Ben and Janice have also undertaken two major research projects on the 2008 Planning Act for NIPA on deliverability and flexibility of nationally significant infrastructure projects. Janice has forthcoming books in 2021 ‘Outsourcing in the UK’ and COVID-19 and Devolution.