John Plumridge
Areas of Expertise
Estates and commercial facilities, Mixed-use schemes, Property development
Experienced Estates and Facilities Director. Estates and Commercial Facilities at Birmingham City University since June 2016.
30 years Built environment experience as a qualified Architect and Chartered Surveyor. Founding Trustee of Higher Education Design Quality Forum, former member of the RICS East Midlands Board. A former CABE enabler, Regional representative member of the design review panels both national and regional review.
Director of the Universities property development and eastside locks a joint venture between ST Joseph Homes and Santander investments. Currently developing a Mixed use Quarter comprising new employment science and technology incubator space, 700 private residential units alongside student residential. The development as a value of £500m it is clustered around the listed Digbeth branch canal basin. I work on viability assessments, masterplan open space management strategy and Development.
Agreements negotiation. Sit on the HS2 CURZON street station and learning quarter masterplan and steering groups. Completed 4 large construction projects including Royal Birmingham conservatoire RICS Building of the year 2019 total value £370m. Generated Facilities management strategy and ZERO Carbon plan for the University in support of Birmingham Clean Air Zone. 2009-2016 Director of Estates and commercial Facilities University of Lincoln. Completion of masyerplan 7 new buildings £350m establishment of commercial science park joint venture. Promotion and sale of 2000 acres of land for sale as residential development.
Non Executive Director Catesby Property Group private developer now part of Urban and Civic. Director of AIMS/KPMG. Private Planning and Estate strategy advisory consultancy Director of Estates and Facilities De Monforte University. Development Director for the West Midlands English partnerships. Architect and Project manager DEGW International.