John Lyall

John Lyall

John Lyall

Areas of Expertise

From early days with Cedric Price and Richard Rogers, John went on to form practices Alsop & Lyall, John Lyall Architects and, currently, Lyall Bills & Young. Schemes have included competition wins of buildings in France and Germany and a Stirling short-listed underground station at North Greenwich. Infrastructure projects for the London Olympics and the regeneration of historic buildings including the Corn Exchange in Leeds have won many awards.

More recent cultural projects such as the Jerwood Dance House in Ipswich and the Goldsmiths Centre in London’s Clerkenwell have also attracted high praise from the RIBA and Civic Trust. A monograph entitled ‘John Lyall: Contexts and Catalysts’ was published in 2000. John Lyall has long-term experience of working as a design-review panellist and chair. From the Cardiff Bay panel in the 1990s to numerous panels for CABE, including the London Olympics, Oxford, Thurrock and Birmingham as frequent clients. He has also served on panels for Haringey Council, the Olympic Legacy site and South East DP. For the past three years John has chaired the Design Council’s Highways England Design Panel and also participates in their Strategic Design Panel.

John Lyall

8 thoughts on “John Lyall”

  1. Кто ты есть на самом деле? В чем твое
    предназначение? В каком направлении лежит твой путь и как тебе по нему
    Дизайн Человека расскажет об этом!

    – Даёт опору на природные механизмы – Даёт ощущение уникальности – Помогает принять свои особенности – Даёт конкретные рекомендации по принятию решений – Снимает
    давление социальных стереотипов
    – Даёт конкретные рекомендации по принятию решений – Позволяет выстроить эффективную
    стратегию жизни и карьеры
    – Снимает чувство вины за “неправильность” – Даёт право быть собой

    Дизайн Человека позволяет принимать решения в условиях неопределённости, опираться на
    себя и свой внутренний компас.

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