Justine Leach
Areas of Expertise
Brief development, Design codes, guidance and strategies, Urban and rural environments
Justine is a qualified Urban Designer and Landscape Architect with 25 years professional practice and has experience of masterplanning and design in urban and rural environments at a range of scales.
Justine is a Director at LDA Design and provides project leadership and direction on masterplanning projects focused on new settlements, town centre regeneration, housing and public realm, and strategic guidance creating recommendations to shape a sustainable future by ensuring the right development can take place where it is most needed.
Her expertise covers coordination and design for visioning strategies and site promotion, design statements, codes, planning applications and delivery. Justine approaches projects with a strong culture of enquiry, creativity and the importance of the environment. She has helped shape places ranging from new garden suburbs working with Maldon District Council, to Shrewsbury’s Big Town Plan.
She has also assisted with developing clear briefs, whilst integrating effective consultation, for the highly successful public realm projects at Jubilee Gardens on London’s South Bank and Nottingham Old Market Square. Justine has been an CABE Enabler since 2000 and is a member of the national CABE, Greenwich and South West regional design review panels, and the Greater Exeter Strategic Advice Panel. She has also promoted design excellence in her role as a Design Champion.