Khuzema Hussain
Areas of Expertise
Construction detailing, Stakeholder engagement, Sustainable renovation
Khuzema’s interests and outlook on design come from two very different experiences: working in San Francisco designing low-cost housing for marginalised communities and then working alongside some of the best and the brightest at Foster + Partners in London.
The former demonstrated that architecture really can make a difference; the latter showed the kinds of possibilities available from innovation, talent, and visionary thinking. He is now a partner of a small architectural studio, Collective Works, based in London where he combines both these approaches to his work. As a practice, the importance of collaboration led to its name, ‘Collective Works’.
The studio is committed to working closely with different communities, keeping them at the heart of a project while bringing design ambition and big-picture thinking to everything they do. But architecture is also about the detail. Khuzema focuses on technical solutions, systems and delivery at every stage of a project. He also enjoys addressing operational challenges and navigating the finer workings of finances, IT and business processes. With his problem-solving mindset and an ability to communicate clearly with everyone involved, he sees himself not just as an architect but as a business leader and community partner too.

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