Lynda Addison
Areas of Expertise
Integration of planning and transport, Planning policy, strategy and delivery, Transport strategy, policy and action plans
Lynda is a town planner and transport planner.
She is Past Chair of the Transport Planning Society and now leads on planning and transport integration. She chaired the Sustainable Transport Panel of CIHT until 2021 and is still leading this area of work following on from the Working Group which she chaired that produced advice “Better Planning, Better Transport, Better Places” with CIHT, TPS and RTPI in 2019. As a member of the Foundation for Integrated Transport’s Steering Group on Transport and New Homes she has been involved in their recent publications and she is a Policy Associate to The Campaign for Better Transport.
She was a Design Council BEE, chairing the Brent Design Review Panel and Vice-Chair of the Highways England Panel. Until recently, she was a Director of Garden City Developments CIC promoting 21st century “garden settlements”. In 2019, she was CIHT Transportation Professional of the Year, won the RTPI/TPS Transport Planning Network award in 2010, and received an OBE for services to planning in 2006. She founded an award-winning consultancy, Addison & Associates, after leaving local government in Hounslow, where she was Director of Planning and Transport.
She was an English Heritage Commissioner and Visiting Professor in Planning at the University of Westminster, a former Trustee of Living Streets and of the TCPA, and on the Board of Paddington BID. She is currently an External Examiner in transport planning at University of Westminster.