Paul Dodd
Areas of Expertise
Design codes, Guidance, Land reclamation
I am consultant urban designer and landscape architect with over 25 years experience in preparing public realm designs, masterplans, design codes, development capacity studies and design guidance.
I regularly contribute to best-practice guidance including; ‘Start with the Park’ CABE, the ‘Slow Streets Source Book’, ‘Designing Rain Gardens: A Practical Guide’ and ‘The Design Companion for Planning and Placemaking’ for Urban Design London, where I lead the design advice programme, prepare and chair training events to propagate good planning and design practice.
My role also includes procuring and managing design panels including bespoke panels for major infrastructure projects. I co-chair the London Borough of Lambeth’s Design Review Service and sit as a panelist for the LB Lewisham. I am a Building for Life Reviewer and active Design Council ‘BEE’ providing design advice to LB Bexley, RB Greenwich and LB Waltham Forest. I have also written on Design Review for Urban Design Quarterly and spoken at national planning and design events. My design work typically involves detailed stakeholder and community engagement where my ability to articulate complex issues clearly and authoritatively is welcomed.

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