Peter Wislocki
Areas of Expertise
Comprehensive design, Integrative design, Regenerative design
Having studied for both my Part 1 and Part 2 architectural qualifications at Cambridge, and obtained an MSc in Construction Economics and Management at UCL.
I have been a director of international architectural practices; a senior lecturer in design, design theory, management, practice and law; a property developer; an architectural journalist and researcher; and an active member of professional institutes and governmental organisations.
I have established and successfully managed a number of companies in the UK, Poland, Russia and Croatia. Since 2014 I have concentrated on my private architectural practice as the founding director of iArch Consulting. I am also currently a part-time (0.4 FTE) lecturer and Programme Director at the Kent School of Architecture and Planning; an ARB Lead Examiner, CSG panel member and member of the ARB’s Prescription Committee; and the Chairman of the South Essex branch of the RIBA. My previous rales include that of a Contributing Editor of World Architecture; an RIBA visiting board member; and a CABE National Design Review Panel member. I have taught and examined at several universities, and participated in numerous conferences and publications.