Peter Massini

Peter Massini

Peter Massini

Areas of Expertise

Initially working for environmental NGOs (London Wildlife Trust and London Ecology Unit) in a campaigning and advocacy role, I subsequently worked for a government agency (English Nature/Natural England) where I shaped policies and programmes for the newly formed London region and developed national policy on green infrastructure. Whilst at Natural England I formulated and helped develop the pioneering All London Green Grid, the first green infrastructure strategy in the UK.

Until recently I was the Greater London Authority’s Lead Policy Officer for green infrastructure, embedding policies on urban greening, nature-based solutions and biodiversity net gain in the London Plan and London Environment Strategy, thus ensuring that principles of landscape ecology and natural capital are integrated into urban design and regeneration. Having developed expertise of policy and practice at the interface between the built and natural environment, I have presented at a wide-range of seminars, workshops and conferences in the UK and overseas, including events organised by the devolved administrations in the UK, ICLEI and the World Bank, and have served on expert panels for the Landscape Institute and UKGBC.

Peter Massini

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