Razieh Zandieh

Razieh Zandieh

Razieh Zandieh

Areas of Expertise

I completed my PhD research – on ‘healthy urban planning: the influence of the built environment on older adults’ outdoor walking’ – at the Faculty for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), University of Twente, the Netherlands.I was granted a European Union Erasmus Mundus Scholarship for doing this research. I have my Master’s Degree in Urban Design and my Bachelor’s Degree in Architectural Engineering. As an accredited architect and urban designer, I professionally worked (for five years) on several architecture and urban design projects in a Consulting Engineers in Tehran, Iran.

I am interested in multidisciplinary urban issues and I have done research on healthy urban design and planning, walkability and sustainability, social and spatial inequalities, and age-friendly city. I have published journal papers (please have a look at my Google Scholar account) and I have contributed in projects (e.g., a report for DEFRA) and several international conferences. I won the best paper award in ‘Healthy Design International 2019’.

Razieh Zandieh

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