Rowena Hay

Rowena Hay

Rowena Hay

Areas of Expertise

She completed a MSc in Social Anthropology at the University of Edinburgh, a Masters in Contemporary Urbanism at the LSE, and a PhD in Human Geography at Durham University. Rowena has worked as a professional researcher across the public and voluntary sector, providing research support to the Crossbench Office of the House of Lords, evaluating public consultation tools for the CIC, and managing projects relating to inclusion and affordable housing at CABE. Her PhD, funded by the ESRC and a housing association, focused on the experience of shared ownership housing developments in London and Cumbria from the perspective of households and front-line housing staff.

At Shortwork, Rowena leads on qualitative data collection and analysis, and also works as a facilitator on participatory research projects/training and engagement events. Most recently these include a project with Reading University and the RIBA on post-occupancy evaluation, broadening its definition from a technical, environmental focus to a more holistic and people-centred research method; a participatory evaluation project of Carbon Co-op’s People Powered Retrofit householder-led approach to domestic energy retrofit in Greater Manchester; and an impact study for the Beverley Road Townscape Heritage Scheme in Hull.

Rowena Hay

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