Andy Shipley
Areas of Expertise
Access and inclusion, Housing, Developing guidance
Andy is Chair of the British Standards Institution Committee B559; Design of an accessible inclusive environment, responsible for oversight and development of British Standard codes of practice, BS8300 and Bs9266.
He has over 25 years experience in the field of inclusive design. Andy currently works with organisations to help them develop multi sensory experiences for visitors and service users, with particular interest in the natural heritage sector.
He is an experienced facilitator and is particularly interested in facilitating workshops, roundtables, seminars or other events bringing stakeholders and key professionals together, to better understand and implement inclusive design.
Andy was a Commissioner on the Commission for a Sustainable London (2012). Andy was on the disability rights commission leading work on Inclusive Design and access to the built environment, including publishing guidance (2000-07); and with the Communities and Local Department leading work on Lifetime Homes, Lifetime Neighbourhoods, including advising ministers and officials on Inclusive Design issues (2007-09).
He led work on sustainable communities for the Equality and Human rights Commission (2009)and achieved amendments to the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act (2004) and the Housing Act. Former Chair of the Fieldfare Trust.
Andy was a member of the Building Regulations Advisory Committee and chaired its review of standards for accessible housing (2008), and Chair of United Kingdom Institute for Inclusive Design (2003-05). Member of the Design Council Cabe Inclusion by Design advisory group, and the government’s Local Standards Framework round table.