Boguslawa Motylska
Areas of Expertise
Built Environment Security , Crime Prevention through Environmental Design, Social Value
Boguslawa, aka Baxi, is the first Polish citizen appointed as a Designing out Crime Officer in the United Kingdom.
Baxi is a co -founder and a director of CPTED -UK Ltd, an international security consultancy established to improve quality of life by creating safe, secure, and sustainable environments with a strong focus on supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
She has over 12 years’ experience as a consultant to urban planners, property developers and architects on design proposals and its potential impact on crime and disorder, and the fear of crime.
She works closely with BRE as the only Suitably Qualified Security Specialist (SQSS) for BREEAM with Central and Eastern Europe origin. As a Member of Security Institute Baxi works in the Built Environment Security Special Interest Group.
She is also an initiator of the Security Institute Running Club. Baxi delivers Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) workshops to planning, design and transport stakeholders, law enforcement and academia. Baxi graduated from the University of Silesia, the Faculty of Social Sciences with an MSc degree in Political Sciences.
Her specialist subjects are journalism and social communication, which she practices by writing articles for specialist security press and a CPTED dedicated blog.