Irene Seijo
Areas of Expertise
Community consultation , Green infrastructure strategies, Project evaluation plans
Irene is an experienced landscape consultant with over 30 years of experience in regeneration, public realm, planning and development.
She recently developed her skills to include expertise in using Geographic Information Systems software, including Esri Arc Online, which can be used to communicate complex place making issues digitally to different audiences. Since starting her own consultancy, Irene has begun to specialise in the strategic planning of green and blue infrastructure and analysis of Natural Capital, using evidence provided through GIS data to support local plans.
She is particularly interested in the role of accessible green and blue infrastructure in tackling health issues and socio-economic factors. Irene is also building up considerable experience in evaluation of environmental projects, using GIS and other digital data to collect and collate information.
She believes this form of data collection can be effectively used to tell an accurate and compelling story to aid future planning and development. Irene continues to specialise in community engagement and often facilitates workshops to fully understand motivations and behaviours and to achieve consensus with many different audiences.