Michael Hurlow
Areas of Expertise
Heritage, Landscape design, Urban regeneration
I started my career as a landscape architect in Birmingham City working on regeneration, moving on to Exeter’s planning department.
In a varied career I worked in the Black Country, Glasgow, Swindon, notable achievements were seeing through the implementation of the landscaping of the Black Country Spine Road and completing the Swindon Borough landscape characterisation. In Durham I have worked variously as the Heritage & Design Manager for the City, as a heritage project manager with Durham City Vision and in regeneration with the County Council. I used the experience to obtain membership of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation and join the Academy of Urbanism.
Achievements were commissioning the conservation management plan of the Peninsula Castle walls and seeing through the competition and design for Freemans Reach, a major riverside project. Since leaving the County Council I support Durham’s World Heritage Site Coordinator and the City of Durham Trust as a trustee. An achievement was providing the settings chapter and final edit of the published document for the Durham WHS Management Plan. I continue to provide advice on the design and impact of new developments to both the Trust and the Coordinator.