Nicole Collomb
Areas of Expertise
Community and stakeholder engagement, Landscape architecture, Urban green infrastructure
Nicole is a Chartered Landscape Architect specialising in urban green infrastructure and public space policy and strategy, with 30 years’ experience in the public, private and voluntary sectors.
Nicole is an advocate for landscape led place-making and the role of green infrastructure in creating healthy urban environments. As senior policy officer in the Greater London Authority Green Infrastructure team, Nicole’s work focuses on tackling inequalities in access to green space by delivering strategic programmes to make London greener, healthier and wilder.
As former Head of Knowledge Services at the Landscape Institute and Head of Public Space Management and Skills at CABE, Nicole delivered national research, strategies, best practice guidance and training. This included guidance on open space strategies, community-led public space design and landscape-led approaches to new housing development. She has written for national and international publications on green space planning, management and design including Landscape Architecture Journal China and the Handbook on Green Infrastructure: Planning, Design and Implementation published by Edward Elgar. Nicole is a Green Flag Award judge, a member of the Waltham Forest Design Review panel and Folkestone & Hythe Place Panel.